Hello KDM Families! 

The KDM PTO is proud to present: THE 4th KDM VIRTUAL TALENT SHOWCASE!

On Thursday, February 29th we will premiere our 4th Virtual Talent  Showcase. The deadline for submitting the videos is Monday, February 19, 2024. All KDM Students and staff are invited to participate by recording their talent and submitting it to the PTO.  The PTO will compile all of the submissions into a showcase that will be sent out via youtube platform. All information can be found on our website.

The details

Any and all types of talents are welcome: Singing, dancing, instruments, comedy, acting, sports/games - we want to see it all!

All students must have an online permission slip submitted by a parent or guardian.

Video submissions will be compiled by the PTO into a YouTube video and the link will be sent out on Thursday, February 29th for our premiere night!

Video submissions can be no longer than 90 seconds and content must be appropriate for an elementary-level viewing audience. Submissions not adhering to the guidelines will be sent back to the family for editing.

Deadline for submitting the videos is Monday, February 19th.

steps to participate

1. Fill out permission slip here: https://forms.gle/WJBWqKMWZ7V8nnL99

2. Please upload your video here: https://bit.ly/3H9RysT


Video should be named as follows 



Will in Grade 5 Chorney-Manno:  5Chorney-Manno_Will.mp4

3. Email kdmptotalent@gmail.com and cc parthak_2k@yahoo.com with the following info:

Student First Name, Grade and Teacher Name

Please email kdmptotalent@gmail.com with any questions.